






at 25% discount when ordering and paying online

One page websiteSuper-fast website for React


99Β 990,99Β β‚½
  • Website up to 9 blocks inclusive
  • Elaborated website structure
  • Design reflecting the idea of the website
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface
  • Adaptation to all devices (adaptive layout)
  • Connection of the data collection system
  • Connecting a domain and an SSL certificate (secure connection)
  • Basic SEO-site optimization (Specialist with 16 years of experience)
  • Separate privacy Policy page, page 404
  • Add a website to search engines
  • Connect site Analytics (Google Console and Yandex Webmaster)
Site multipageThe fastest website on NextJS + Strapi


199Β 990,99Β β‚½
  • Website up to 5 pages inclusive
  • Competitor analysis
  • Elaborated website structure
  • Design reflecting the idea of the website
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface
  • Adaptation to all devices (adaptive layout)
  • Connecting a data collection system
  • Connecting a domain and an SSL certificate (secure connection)
  • Basic SEO optimization of the site (a Technician with 16 years' experience)
  • Separate privacy Policy page, page 404
  • Add a website to search engines
  • Connect site Analytics (Google Console and Yandex Webmaster)
Online store


299Β 990,99Β β‚½
  • Home page
  • Catalog Block
  • Delivery and Payment Block
  • Exchange and Refund Block
  • Contacts Block
  • Privacy Policy Page
  • Offer Agreement page
  • Page 404
  • Basket integration
  • Competitor analysis
  • Developed site structure
  • Adding up to 50 products to the catalog (more than 50 for an additional payment)
  • Filtering settings (according to your requests)
  • Design reflecting the idea of the site
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface
  • Adaptation to all devices (adaptive layout)
  • Connecting a data collection system
  • Connecting a domain and an SSL certificate (secure connection)
  • Connection charge
  • Basic SEO optimization of the site (a Technician with 16 years' experience)
  • Add a website in the search engines Google console and Yandex webmaster
  • Connecting Analytics conversion
Telegram BotFramework Telegraf


49Β 999,99Β β‚½
  • Project analysis
  • Elaborated bot structure
  • design reflecting the idea of the bot
  • UI/UX interface development
  • Integration Api in bot
  • Connecting domain and SSL certificate
  • Testing
  • Publishing
Mobile appSuper-fast application on React + Strapi+ Cordova


299Β 999,99Β β‚½
  • Project analysis
  • Elaborated application structure
  • design reflecting the idea of the application
  • User-friendly and intuitive UI/UX interface
  • Development of the server part of the application
  • UI/UX interface development
  • Api integration into the application
  • Domain connection and SSL certificate
  • Testing
  • Publication in stores
Microservice architecture developmentDistributing high loads with NestJS is easy!


299Β 999,99Β β‚½
  • High-performance microservice APi
  • All built-in modules (cache, serializer, transport)
  • Fault-tolerant. There is a built-in load balancer, loop protection, repeat request mechanisms, timeouts and mass processing functions.
  • Asynchronous code based on promises (async/await compatible)
  • the request-response concept
  • event architecture support with balancing
  • built-in registry of services and their dynamic detection
  • load-balancing queries & events (round-robin, random, cpu usage, latency, sharding)
  • Fault tolerance (Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead, Retry, Timeout, Fallback)
  • plugin system and middleware
  • service versioning support
  • thread support
  • service-level mixin support
  • built-in caching (Memory, MemoryLRU, Redis)
  • pluggable loggers (Console, File, Pino, Bunyan, Winston, Debug, Datadog, Log4js)
  • pluggable transports (TCP, NATS, MQTT, Redis, NATS Streaming, Kafka, AMQP 0.9, AMQP 1.0)
  • Plug-in Serializers (JSON, Avro, MsgPack, Protocol Buffer, Thrift)
  • pluggable parameter validators
  • multiple services on a node/server
  • architecture without a master node, all nodes are equal
  • validation of fastest-validator parameters
  • built-in metrics with reports (Console, CSV, Datadog, Event, Prometheus, StatsD)
  • built-in tracers with reports (Console, Datadog, Event, Jaeger, Zipkin)
  • official API gateway, database access and many other modules...
project hosting and technical supportThe project on a modern server will fly!


6Β 990,99Β β‚½
  • Term 2 year
  • 50% discount for the following years
  • Placing the site / application on our server (Fast server with SDD disk)
  • Development of additional functions are paid separately
  • Site/app content is paid separately
Technical supportExpert support for your Business!


4Β 999,99Β β‚½
  • Term from 1 hour
  • Bug fixes in your product
  • Programmer consultation
  • Frontend developer
  • Backend developer
  • JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MoleculerJS, ReactJS, NextJS, NestJS, Strapi, ElectronJS, Crypto, Cordova, IOS, Android, PWA, TypeORM, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Git, Docker, Nginx, MUI, Bootstrap, Ant desing, React Toolbox, Grommet, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Scss, Convas, Linux, etc.